The Art of Philanthropy

Wesley Lea Hill residents Millard and Martha Battles personify commitment

Martha and Millard Battles

Wesley Lea Hill residents Martha and Millard Battles support their community with both outright and deferred gifts.

In December 2006 Millard Battles and his wife, Gerry, moved into Village Home 8. Five months later, Village Home 21 became Martha's new residence. Martha was widowed earlier after 32 years of marriage to her husband, Dick, and in March 2007 Gerry passed away following 49 years of marriage.

After serving together on the Resident Council, Martha agreed to dine out with Millard. His granddaughter was getting married in July 2009 in Oregon and, as the two of them tell it, "this was the kicker" that propelled them to matrimony—a first for two Wesley Lea Hill residents!

Understanding the need for the campus to offer a full continuum of care, they generously contributed to creating the Lea Hill Rehabilitation & Care Center. The main lobby is named in their family's honor and the meditation chapel is dedicated to Gerry and Dick.

The Battles continue to support the Foundation in many ways, such as the ongoing donations of their required minimum distributions (RMDs) from their IRAs. Millard also takes advantage of Boeing's matching gift program. In addition, they have made a deferred gift commitment via a portion of their entrance deposit (an opportunity Millard was instrumental in establishing) as well as a will bequest.

This blended gift approach allows the couple to see their contributions at work now, plus a continuation of their legacy into the future. "These gifts don't hurt," says Martha. Millard adds, "There are ways of making commitments to Wesley Community Foundation that people don't otherwise think they can."

To learn more contact David Snow at 206-870-1261 or