Philanthropy Multiplied

Mary Kohli supports the organizations she cares most about

Mary Kohli

Mary Kohli, Bradley Park resident, is a strong believer in giving back to organizations close to her heart. By making outright and deferred gifts, she finds satisfaction in knowing she’s making an impact today and tomorrow.

Wesley Bradley Park resident Mary Kohli believes in giving back to the not-for-profit organizations she holds dear.

Raised in Wheaton, Illinois, her parents were very active in their community. Mary followed their example. Her late husband of 35 years, Tom Quann, also believed in the sharing of time, talent and treasure.

Mary and Tom were both Extension leaders for Washington State University, sharing a strong commitment to the 4-H Youth Program and other programs developing adult and youth volunteers. Support for Wesley Community Foundation—benefitting Bradley Park—also fits into her philanthropic scope.

Mary served on the Foundation’s Team Puyallup campaign committee, as well as serving as a Bradley Park Ambassador, and sees the importance of creating the only continuum of care community in East Pierce County. “I enjoy the contrast of privacy and freedom of selective participation with my overall love of the community and connecting with others,” she says.

Not only has Mary made outright donations to organizations such as WSU and Wesley, planned gifts are also part of her giving strategy. “Some of the organizations I care about will not only benefit from my retirement account beneficiary designations, but also from inclusion in my will.”

She continues, “There’s great satisfaction in seeing the immediate impact of my gifts, while knowing I’m also leaving a lasting legacy for generations to come. This truly makes me a joyful giver while allowing me to multiply my philanthropy!”

Contact David Snow at 206-870-1261 or to find out more about how you can support Wesley.